Scanning Articles on Microfilm


ILL requested articles located on microfilm can be scanned with the microfilm machine and delivered via ILLiad/Odyssey. 


Microfilm machine instructions using ST View Scan:

  1. Turn on the computer and log on as “circulsa”. Turn on the ST View Scan unit by selecting the setting for Microfilm/fiche (up position).
  2. Load your film by pulling the tray forward until the glass opens, run film under glass and insert end into the take up reel.  Push tray back to close the glass. (Load fiche by pulling the tray forward until the glass opens, insert the fiche and push tray back to close the glass.)
  3. Launch the View Scan software by selecting the icon on the computer’s desktop.
  4. Advance the film by using the buttons on the tray or the onscreen virtual buttons.
  5. Manipulate the tray to move through page images on the fiche. Function buttons are along the bottom of the screen.  The software opens to the default browse so you can read through your document.  Use the image adjustment and focus buttons to improve your display.  You can rotate and straighten your document.  Change from negative to positive display, if necessary.
  6. Select Cropping to choose a portion of the image for copying.
  7. Scan the full page or the cropped page as appropriate.  Scanned images appear as thumbnails in your document tray.
  8. To save the image(s), select File and then save to the Electronic Documents folder. Name the file the TN. Click OK and then save.
  • Last Updated Jun 13, 2017
  • Views 8
  • Answered By Glen Bogardus

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