Philosophical Tenets of ILLiad Interlibrary Loan


The ILLiad status of an item should reflect the real-world (physical) status of the item.

Example: In Lending, if the item is being searched for, it’s status should be “In Stack Searching.” If you don’t intend on starting the pull until tomorrow, leave the item in “Awaiting Stack Searching” status--this means not printing pull slips until you are ready to pull.

Some ILLiad queues are indicators that action should be taken, while others are for holding requests while action is taken. It’s important to know the difference and use each appropriately.

Example: A “Cancelled by Customer” status means action is required on behalf of the staff, while “Cancelled by ILL Staff” is a “terminal” status that is long term storage for finished requests.

This is also true for Flag queues, although flags should always be checked on a regular basis.

Fill every request, every day.

All requests are time-sensitive. Every request should be processed within 24 hours of its arrival (lending) or creation (borrowing), excluding weekends. Lending requests should be electronically delivered or ready for mail pickup the same day they are processed, or at least within 24 hours. Borrowing turnaround times (to the point the item is in the patron’s possession) should average 7 days for loans, and 24-48 hours for articles.

Incoming borrowing loans that arrive by ELD or mail should be out at the Circulation Desk for check-out as soon as possible--within minutes or hours, but at least the same day as arrival.

ILLiad (and ILL) needs to be monitored throughout the day, not checked once or twice.

It’s important to monitor ILLiad, not only for new requests but for indicators of mistakes or errors that pop-up throughout the daily processing. It’s always best to correct a mistake sooner rather than later… small mistakes become big problems when they are not caught early. If a student worker makes a mistake, you want to immediately use the learning opportunity to teach and reinforce the value of attention while working.

  • Last Updated Jun 13, 2017
  • Views 3
  • Answered By Glen Bogardus

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