Librarian Approval of ILL Requests?

I received an ILL notice telling me “Libraries that own this item charge additional ILL fees. If you meet with a librarian….” What does this mean?


Simply put, the SUNY Potsdam College Libraries will be charged a fee to borrow the specific item you requested. This is unusual. We are asking you to speak to a librarian, who will approve your ILL request.


The SUNY Potsdam College Libraries does not charge for ILL service. However, the libraries that lend sometimes charge for use of their materials. We attempt to borrow from free lenders first but resort to libraries that charge when there are no free options. The College Libraries will pay these fees for any copy requests. However, we will only pay for loan requests (that is, items shipped from other libraries) when there is a real academic need for the requested material.

If you received that message, there are no free lending libraries for the item you want. Meeting with a SUNY Potsdam librarian gives you a chance explain how the material is needed for your research. Often, librarians will find alternative resources to fill your information needs that are free and/or immediately available. If there are no viable alternatives, the librarian will contact the ILL office, and your requested material will be ordered immediately.

What to Do     

Send an email to requesting an appointment.

  • Be sure to mention your ILL request up front.
  • Provide your ILL Transaction Number in your email.


Faculty and staff ILL is subsidized by the College Libraries, and they are not required to meet with a librarian under normal circumstances.

The College Libraries will not subsidize charges for community borrowers (patrons who are not SUNY Potsdam students, faculty or staff). In these cases, we encourage community borrowers to visit their local public library.

  • Last Updated Aug 22, 2022
  • Views 98
  • Answered By Glen Bogardus

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ILL FAQ Details

This is documentation for Interlibrary Loan Staff at SUNY Potsdam.  If you are a library patron looking for answers to questions, go here.


ILL Basics 

for beginners (Part-time student staff)



instruction for student and Full-time staff



posts for Full-time ILL staff instruction only


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