You can submit a request, but Interlibrary Loan is not an ideal method for obtaining textbooks, and it is NOT recommended. You should never assume that you will be able to get a textbook through Interlibrary Loan.
Because so many students do not return textbooks by their “due dates,” many libraries are not willing to lend them. This makes it hard for SUNY Potsdam ILL staff to find a library willing to lend. Many libraries own textbooks but limit their use to their own patrons.
As a consequence of so few lenders, textbooks generally take longer to obtain than normal loans. Many arrive weeks after the semester has begun, while many other textbook requests are likely to go unfilled.
Textbooks are also typically needed for the full academic semester, while libraries usually lend ILL books for shorter periods (three weeks or a month). Renewals can be requested, but are not guaranteed.