Answered By: Crumb Library
Last Updated: Aug 23, 2022     Views: 211

Borrowing policies are available here.

Items may be renewed by: 1) Asking at the Circulation Desk, 2) emailing the circulation desk or 3) you can renew items yourself through account in BearCat. 

To renew items yourself:

  1. go to BearCat and sign in with your CCA (Campus Computer Account),
  2. In your account information (the drop down arrow next to your name on the top menu bar), choose the "library card" link
  3. Select "my loans"
  4. The list of items you have borrowed from our library (note that items borrowed through us via Inter Library Loan or Resource Sharing from other libraries may be handled differently) will show.  If an item is renewable, you will have a link to do that.  If the item is not renewable (overdue, other issues with your account), you may contact our circulation staff for assistance.

For any borrowing or renewing assistance, contact the circulation desk.


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